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Warning About FBI, DOJ, and ICE Viruses

The FBI, DOJ, ICE, NSA – most of us recognize these acronyms as different departments in government but what do they have to do with our computers?

If you’re thinking it’s related to the NSA leaks that happened recently, you’re partially right. Recently we’ve seen a lot more computers coming in with the FBI, DOJ, or ICE virus into our shop.
Wait, the government is putting viruses on our computers? No, but the people who created the virus want you to think so – and they also want you to pay to get your computer ‘back.’

It’s very easy to know if you have any of these viruses but unfortunately not as simple to remove them. When you start up your computer, a screen will pop up with a government seal claiming to be one of the previously mentioned departments. You can’t get past it or around it. It says that your computer has been caught browsing one or more illegal things online and if you do not pay within a set amount of time through a money transfer service, all of your data will be erased!


There are many looks to these viruses, but this is basically the format.

Be assured, your data is completely safe. Also be assured that this is in no way real and your computer has only caught a virus from criminals who are trying to ransom your computer. Getting rid of the virus can be tricky but it is possible, we’ve encountered many different versions so far.

A common question that we get is, “How did I get this virus?” Although we aren’t able to point to a definite source, this virus gets spread around just like any other – through file sharing, compromised email accounts and websites, even rogue advertisements on legitimate websites. The best way to defend yourself against this is to keep your anti-virus up to date along with your computer. Those annoying Java, Flash, and Adobe Reader popups asking you to update are there for a reason: your computer’s safety!

With all the recent news stories about the government monitoring our activities online, this virus now seems to be a lot truer than it ever has been. Please spread the word around so that your friends and family know these pop ups are fake. If you have any questions regarding this, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.