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HDMI 2.0 – What You Need To Know

We’ll try to make this post short and sweet, because this can turn into a very confusing subject really quick if over-explained. The new standard of HDMI will be called “2.0” This basically covers the new 4K (or Ultra HD) definition at 60 Frames Per Second (FPS). The current (or past, depending on when you read this) standard is HDMI 1.4.

Now how does this new standard directly affect you? Simply, it doesn’t. You don’t have to do a single thing, you don’t have to upgrade anything, buy the new HDMI 2.0 cords that will certainly be coming out, or purchase a new TV. The standard is just a way to categorize how fast information can be sent out by devices. If you purchase a 4K TV you can still use the same HDMI cords as your last HD TV. Just make sure your older cables are labelled “High Speed” or “Category 2” – it may be printed right on the cord itself.

You can still use your current HDMI cables and get the exact same picture. I repeat, you can still use your current HDMI cables. There is no difference between your current HDMI cable and the “new” ones that will be coming out. Any cable coming out trying to say that it’s HDMI 2.0 capable and is an upgrade to your older HDMI cord is trying to be misleading, The standard has nothing to do with the cable itself! Just be careful out there when purchasing your new TVs and don’t be talked into paying (a lot) more than what you need to.

If you’re wondering of a good place to purchase quality HDMI cords at a reasonable price, is a great resource.