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Important Note About Microsoft Office 2003

By now you’ve probably heard that Microsoft will no longer be supporting Windows XP in April of this year. If you haven’t and you’re still using XP, please think about upgrading or buying a new computer soon! Another Microsoft product that actually has already been dropped is Office 2003. This means Microsoft is no longer putting out updates for it and you can’t call them for help.

If you’re using Windows 8, you can’t even install Office 2003 on your computer!

We would recommend upgrading to the latest versions of Microsoft Office, which we can certainly help you out with. Yes, the interface is a bit different and will take some getting used to but the basic functions are still there.

By the way, those of you with Office 2003 and either Windows Vista or 7 – there is really no reason to upgrade unless you just would like to. Office 2003 can still be re-installed if needed and should work fine on your computers.